Башня #Пакстона стоит на самой вершину холма и с нее отлично видно долину реки Тиви и Ботанический сад #Уэльса. Построили это сооружение в стили неоготики в честь знаменитого адмирала Горацио Нельсона.
Paxton Tower stands at the very top of the hill and has an excellent view of the Tiwi River Valley and the Botanic Gardens of #Wales. It was built in the Neo-Gothic style in honor of the famous Admiral Horatio Nelson.
Paxton Tower stands at the very top of the hill and has an excellent view of the Tiwi River Valley and the Botanic Gardens of #Wales. It was built in the Neo-Gothic style in honor of the famous Admiral Horatio Nelson.